Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Kernow - Unofficially the start of the Agility Season

Kernow is where the the agility season starts from me, usually the first camping show of the year and more often then not shows every weekend follow Kernow which means little room for anything other than Agility in my life until October!

Last year I didn't really enjoy Kernow; I had just lost Sprite, Hex was still recovering from her C-Section and I had to leave baby Voodoo at home. I spent most of the weekend hidden in a caravan. I really shouldn't have bothered going but I wanted to do the Olympia qualifier with Stitch and my weekend blackened once more when I made a handling decision with sabotaged my chances of getting round Clear. I was finding it very difficult to read about other peoples successes when I was so thoroughly miserable and my Mum was in France so I was limited to who I could talk to. Most people who know me were surprised to see me in such a dark place this time last year - I was not myself at all.

So I was looking forward to writing over that year and starting this Agility Season afresh. I had been attending weekly fitness session at the KJ2 Gym and also Matt's 'Agility Fit' classes which he had designed and catered with Agility handlers and manoeuvres in mind. My stamina was up, my running style improving and my speed increasing, but I then got hit with my first EVER chest infection! I couldn't train my dogs, I couldn't attend my fitness classes, everything seemed like so much effort, but I did what I could in the run up to the show to prepare myself and I did what I could at the show, but it was like running in high altitude. I just couldn't catch my breathe to run or speak, the poor dogs didn't stand a chance and I fluffed every qualifier I went into, but did manage some places in the standard classes even with my limited capability.

If it wasn't for my Mum I would not have been able to run at all, she did everything for me bar running my dogs to ensure I was fighting fit to run. I am very grateful for everything she did from the washing up to exercising my hounds. Thanks Mum!

I'd asked Mum not to video me as I knew I wasn't running my best so it would be silly to critique videos of myself, knowing that my shortfalls were mostly down to being ill but Karen managed to sneaky vids and I am glad she did as things weren't quite as bad as I thought they were AND I did still manage to RUN!


Stitch - 3rd, 5-7 Agility
Stitch - 5th, 5-7 Jumping
Stitch - 1st, 4-7 Jumping
Stitch - 2nd, 4-7 Jumping
Hex - 8th, 5-7 Jumping
Hex - 3rd, 6-7 Jumping
Gill & Mollyanna - 4th, 1-4 Jumping
Gill & Mollyanna - 6th, 1-4 Agility
Gill & Mollyanna - Clear, 4-7 Jumping
Karen & Mollie - 9th, 3-4 Jumping
Karen & Mollie - Clear, 3-5 Agility

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