Thursday, 1 October 2009

I am a bad blogger - How long has it been?

Hex’s first show at Bromsgrove seems like such a long time ago now! But she was such a good girly.
She was a bit taken back by actually being allowed a go but still managed a 20th in Gr3-4 Jumping (her 2nd run ever!).
Other than that it was just silly puppy mistakes; getting over excited and misjudging jumps, and going under first jumps in a bid to get to me asap! But she worked like a dream and I am very proud of her. Sprite had a 6th in the Anysize and Kif came home with a couple of clear rounds, as did Phee. As for everyone else, I must send my apologies; I spent most of the weekend in a daze, I didn’t really take in all that much and even tried to send Kif the wrong way in one of his classes! Feel free to fill me in!
Below are all of Hex’s runs from Bromsgrove. I think you’ll agree that some of the courses were a lot to ask for a baby’s first show!

Round 1 = Gr3-4 Agility: A silly handling mistake by me following a last minute change of plan.
Round 2 = Gr3-4 Jumping: 20th Place : D
Round 3 = Gr1-7 Agility
Round 4 = 1-7 Jumping: Jumping very green
Round 5 = Gr3 Agility: Silly me setting her so close to jump 1, really really pleased with the rest though, lots of dogs struggled with the weave entrance - not The Baby!

Then we had the final big show of the season! Devon Dogs/Honiton and I don’t think one person I know had a bad show!

*Jane & Boot had another 1st in Gr1 Agility, good job they’re moving up – leave some trophies for the other Gr1’s!
*Jo & Fluke won the Gr3-5 combined Agility taking Fluke up to Grade 4!
*Sam & Billy won the Gr2 Agility. Billy is a spotty Grade 3 now, so he’ll also be leaving the Grade 2 trophies for the Grade 2s!
*Mike & Rio had an amazing run in the Gr3 Agility and came 2nd

In fact SWAT pretty much owned the prize givings with places for Daz, Toni, Trudy, Natalie, Kim and Martin as well.

As for my woofs, well Kif had a very good show with a 4th in the Gr4-5 Jumping with one of the trickiest courses I have put him on and an 18th in the 1-7 COMBINED Collie Sprint! Sprite only had the one run and in protest he decided not to listen to me and travel the entire length of the course to pick out a random jump that he felt needed to be done but which of course got us eliminated! Hex came out all guns blazing at this show and was MENTAL. She did manage to complete an extremely challenging 3-5 jumping course with only a pole down and came 10th in the Grade 3 Agility – Her first Point!

So lessons have changed to Fridays & Saturdays from this week; I’ll look forward to having the evenings to myself for a bit (although what I will do with them, who knows?!) and my Fridays & Saturdays are now pretty packed. I have entered a few more shows for the winter, details on the right of this page. And that’s about all the news I have... I think? I’m still having a blonde week.

Ooo I know what else, something rare and magical happened this week; I have an agility person on my team at work now! (Hi Caroline!). For those of you that have tried to discuss agility, or even just normal doggy things with your work colleagues, you will understand how rare it is to find someone who a) cares or b) understands. I feel very privileged : )

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